He erected minimalistic gazebos and memorials at idyllic locations around the garden, often in order to stimulate thought and the connection between man and nature, as well as to invite a meditative and reflective stop between long walks throughout this gorgeous garden.
Located inside the romantic garden is the main building of Sanderumgaard, Manor House, one of the first of its kind in Denmark. The garden itself covers 15 hectares / 37 acres and on these grounds, the original design of the cottages; Tankefuld (Mindful) and Sommerlyst (Summer's Delight) still exist. The area is tied together by a larger canal system of approx. 2 km which brings together islands, lawns and park, which can be accessed by various bridges and winding paths.
Guided tours for parties of at least 20: DKK 170,- per person, including coffee/tea and cake.
FYI - The garden is always open on a public holidays - even if they fall on a Monday!
In addition there is a farm/gift shop that is open by appointment. Feel free to call and ask.