Tambosund - Thyholm
Tambosund - Thyholm
7790 Thyholm
Photo: Struer Turistbureau
Arriving at Tambohuse via Hellerød, one encounters a breathtaking view of Tambosund and Jegindø in the direction of Kåshoved in Salling.
Today, Tambohuse is a charming place with an inn down at Tambosund, which has been closed by the dam to Jegindø since 1916. Tambohuse arose as a consequence of the penetration of Aggertangen by the sea in 1825, which created the basis of a whole string of small trading places in the western part of the Limfjord. Before that time, a ferryman's house was the only building there.
Tambohuse, Gravgård, Hindsels and Oddesund were all involved from the start, but gradually the traffic concentrated around Tambosund, where a wharf was built on both sides of the sound a little south of the present dam. With the construction of harbours in Thisted, Struer, Nykøbing and Lemvig, the importance of the small trading places as direct import and export harbours dies away, but on the other hand their importance for the internal fjord trade in grain and tiles increased.