Includes per person per stay:
- 4 x overnight accommodation
- 4 x Breakfast buffet
- 4 x 2-course menu
Green Key approved
4.42684208982085 of 5 Stars
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See calendar and prices: Minibreak 5 daysStrandgade 2, 5300, 5300 Kerteminde
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4 Days / 3 nights
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3 Days / 2 nights
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2 days/ 1 night
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Arrival only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - 3 days / 2 nights
Includes per person per stay:
3 Days / 2 nights
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2 Days / 1 night
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Includes per person per night:
Minimum 3 days / 2 nights
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0.03 km
0.13 km
You find the Sct. Laurentius Church in the middle of the market place in Kerteminde. The church is a three-aisled long-house linked under one enormous roof. Traditionally said to have been built in 1476.
The chuch was greatly altered in the 1600'es, when a vault was added and the furnishing was renewed. In the south chancel there is a chapel for the Iuel family, abouve which there are memory tablets for two of the parsons of the church. You find a pair of riding boots and a sword dated from the time of the Swedish Wars.
Opening hours at Kerteminde Church
From April 1st – October 31st
Tuesday – Saturday – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday – Closes after the service
From November 1st – March 31st
Tuesday – Saturday – 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday – Closes after the service
0.15 km
Do you also find the Danish marine environment fascinating?
Get up close to Denmark’s largest marine animals at Fjord&Bælt, located at the harbor in Kerteminde.
One of the few places in the world where you can experience Denmark’s national whale, the harbor porpoise, up close.
Together with the spotted grey seals, the porpoises are trained daily at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM for stimulation and to participate in scientific research.
You can watch from the front row as the animal trainers explain physiology, the seasonal effects on marine animals, and ongoing research. There is always an opportunity to ask questions afterward.
Beneath the Surface
Fjord&Bælt is both an aquarium and a research and information center filled with exciting stories.
Explore our beautiful aquariums, where we showcase a wide variety of native Danish fish, revealing the great yet often unknown diversity of Danish fish and mollusk species.
In the long underwater tunnel, you can see life on the seabed just as the marine animals experience it. And as you descend into the depths, you will encounter the skeleton of a massive sperm whale.
0.32 km
The old town of Kerteminde dates all the way back to the Middle Ages, but there are not many signs left from that time. However, you can still see several buildings from the Renaissance in Langegade. The area has been marked by trade and fishing, which were Kerteminde's main occupations for most of the town's history.
0.48 km
The sculpture stands at Kerteminde's Ny Kirkegård, where it was unveiled in connection with the new construction of Kirkegårds Allé in April 2014.
"The gate" is a symbol of transition and transformation, but there are many layers of interpretation in it, Per Ahlmann told Fyens Stiftstidende. – It's probably a lot about what you yourself are already filled with – for some it's very nature, for others very physical, says Per Ahlmann, who made the sculpture after meeting cemetery manager Ulrik Christiansen and on the basis of a project, the potter had the sketches lying around.
Per Ahlmann has made one other sculpture for a cemetery, and he has also made individual tombstones in ceramics. – It's quite special. I must have made about 15 ceramic gravestones, which are around the country. But it's something I'm working on developing - because the ceramics give me the opportunity to spend more time on design and the colours. And it is very special to be involved, says the artist.
Per Ahlmann, born 1965, can be described as a ceramic sculptor who operates in very close connection with his material. He produces works that combine the concrete with the abstract – sculptures that are simply sculpture.
Per Ahlmann graduated from Denmark's Design School in 1995 and throughout his career has worked towards his characteristic expression, which unites concrete with abstract, material with concept and craftsmanship with art.
According to Per Ahlmann, a sculpture is successful when it seems like a reproduction of something you should recognize, but is nevertheless completely abstract. The fact that the sculpture can evoke this sensation is based, among other things, on a form of obviousness which must be present in the juxtaposition and transitions between the sculpture's sub-elements. Furthermore, it is a distinctive feature of Ahlmann that it is specifically the potential of ceramics as a sculptural material that drives him.
0.78 km
1.38 km
Over the past 20 years, the current estate owner couple – Vini and Rudolf Iuel – have awakened the estate from its Sleeping Beauty slumber. Together, they have made Lundsgaard a beacon both when it comes to cultural and nature experiences. So what Lundsgaard represents today is a modern take on how the estates can play an important role. Both as one of the local community's key players - and as a meeting point for ecologists, musicians, artists, researchers and creative spirits from all over the country. Often the whole world.
The very special Lundsgaard spirit has arisen in the field of tension between Vini and Rudolf's interests and life experiences. Vini is a jazz singer, composer and creative director of the cultural center Anexet, which the couple has set up in the estate's former breeding buildings. She has previously lived in Brazil and New York. Rudolf was born and raised in Lundsgaard, descended from the naval hero Niels Iuel. In 1991, he took over responsibility for agriculture and forestry, which they changed to organic in 2008.
With its 2,000m2, the annexed cultural center consists of a large number of rooms with very different sizes and moods in addition to the concert hall. So you can always find the perfect setting for your meetings, parties or conferences. The large concert hall, the high-ceilinged gallery, the beautiful harvest festival hall, the cozy barroom, the rustic barn for more informal events and long table dinners, the two cozy cafes... or a mixture of it all. Among the recurring events is one of the country's finest chamber music festivals, summer festival, September jazz festival.
Lundgaard's history stretches all the way back to the 13th century, when a small castle complex was built in Storskoven and the 'farm by the forest', Lundsgaard, is mentioned for the first time in 1484 in the written source material. The current beautiful white Rococo main building was built by Jens Iuel in 1765.
The large stud farm facility was designed by the architect August Klein, who is also the man behind the beautiful barn and Herskabsstalden. It was built as a manager's residence for Agnes Henningsen's father. So here the writer and feminist, who later became the mother of PH, spent a large part of her childhood. It is nicely described in the 1st volume of her memoirs: Let Gang på Jorden and is also depicted in the Poet's Route for Agnes Henningsen, which will be inaugurated in May 2022 and which takes guests through Lundsgaard's forests.
Around 1880, a 'constitution hill' was built in the park, where people gathered from near and far on Constitution Day. For over 100 years, it was completely overgrown, but in 2019 Vini and Rudolf woke it up from Sleeping Beauty, so that it has once again become the meeting point for the annual constitutional celebrations.
In the early 1900s, Lundsgaard Manor was a gathering place for artists and writers whom the 'theatre count' Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvigs invited to both theater and concerts on the special 'theatre squares' he created in the middle of the woods.
In front of the main building, he set up a large stone on which he engraved: "This corner of the world smiles at me more than any other". That's how most people still feel when they visit Lundsgaard Gods. Because here you intuitively let the joy of life and the spirit grow.
Lundsgaard Gods has opened its own café, Café Frits. See the opening hours at Café Frits on Lundsgaard Gods' website.
The scenic areas around Lundsgaard Gods are ideal for walks. See more at the links below.
On the Accident Patient Association's website, you can e.g. see a map of good walking routes and a video that shows the access options for e.g. people with reduced mobility.
See the Accident Patient Association's video and map on the association's website
2.86 km
At the Viking Museum Ladby by Kerteminde Fjord you can step inside Denmark's oldest royal tomb. Here, a nameless king was laid to rest in his Viking ship more than 1,000 years ago. The museum contains Denmark's only ship grave from the Viking Age – an attraction of international format. The Ladby ship is atmospherically displayed as a burial chamber in a rebuilt burial mound exactly on the spot where it was found in 1935. Archaeological investigations have established that the Viking ship was pulled up on land around the year 925, where the dead king was buried in the ship with his horses, dogs, weapons and other valuable goods.
Viking Museum Ladby's main attraction is the Ladby king's Viking ship grave; but is also a museum for the entire East Funen Viking Country. The exhibition "Ladbykongens Verden" tells about the Viking Age in a broad and general way. With the help of exhibited finds, films and artistic renderings of Viking Age East Funen, you can explore the world and daily life that the King of Ladby was a part of. In the "Vikings' Wardrobe", both children and adults can try dressing up in Viking clothes. Everywhere in the exhibitions you will also find many unique local metal detector finds that tell about people and gods in the Viking Age in gold, silver and bronze. The Ladby king's funeral is presented in the exhibition "King and Warrior". Here you can experience the illusion of being present on the day when the dead Viking king was laid to rest in his ship, ready for the voyage to the beyond. A full-size replica of the Ladby ship, recreated Vikings, dead horses and grave goods can be seen next to display cases with the original items from the grave. Furthermore, in the exhibition you can see the unique Ladby Tapestry – a seven-metre long embroidered tapestry inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry from Normandy. Here the story of the death of the King of Ladby and the discovery of his grave 1000 years later is conveyed - in colorful pictures.
All summer long, you can experience the reconstructed Viking ship, the Ladbydragen, lying and rocking in the fjord below the burial mound. Exactly where the original ship was pulled ashore over 1,000 years ago. Read much more about the shipwreck, the Ladby dragon, the Ladby tapestry and much more on the Viking Museum Ladby's website.
Throughout the year, the museum's visitors can experience an exciting program with current lectures about the Viking Age, tours about the King of Ladby and the Viking Age, as well as lots of Viking activities for children and adults. During the school holidays, an exciting program of Viking activities is offered. Depending on the time of year, visitors of all ages can try their hand at archaeology, archery, javelin throwing, Viking combat, ceramics, woodworking, etc. accompanied by the museum's skilled and knowledgeable mediators. All year round there are also treasure hunts for children throughout the museum.
In the Viking Museum Ladby's museum shop, you can buy a wide range of delicious items with the Viking Age as their theme. The shop offers a large selection of jewellery, mead, books, toys and other Viking souvenirs. It is also possible to buy coffee, cocoa, soft drinks, ice cream and cakes, which can be enjoyed in the small café area or in the museum's cozy courtyard.
Both the museum building and the mound with the Viking ship grave are handicapped-friendly with ramps, no high door steps and, in the case of the museum building, an elevator. The trip from the parking lot in front of the museum to the museum building as well as the trip from the latter to the hill (approx. 300 m) can be challenging due to gravel and dirt paths, respectively, which by their nature are not 100% level. However, there are benches along the way, so it is possible to take a break from the walk.
In the basement of the museum building there is a toilet which is suitable for the disabled. The basement is easily accessible by elevator.
There is free entry for disabled helpers who visit the museum during working hours.
Dogs are welcome on a leash in the museum's outdoor area.
The museum has a wheelchair that can be borrowed.
6.39 km
In 1616, King Christian the 4th bought the main manor Skinnerup at the bottom of Kerteminde Nor. In 1632, the king decided to build new stately buildings that were to serve as a residence for the illegitimate king's son, Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve, who was then 2 years old. Therefore, the castle's name was changed to Ulriksholm.
After Christian the 4th died, his mistress and mother of Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve, Vibeke Kruse, fell out of favor. Upon her death, Vibeke Kruse was buried on a poor farm outside Copenhagen's city walls. However, Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve made sure to take his mother's body to Kølstrup Church. He himself died at the age of just 28 after a valiant effort in the Swedish War.
The castle is today privately owned. There is no public access to the castle or garden, except for the castle's open garden events and when the castle is visited by Herregårdsspillene.
Follow Ulriksholm Castle's Facebook page for more information.
12.13 km
15.57 km
The History of the Garden
The Garden was founded in 1948 by the teacher Arne Emdal and was originally owned by the Odense School Authority. It was named the "School Botanical Garden" and was used for botany education and plant distribution. Later, the garden was taken over by Odense's park department.
A Botanical Treasure for All
The Garden is now an inspiration for garden owners and a popular destination that offers a unique botanical experience. Visitors can admire an impressive variety of perennials and Denmark's largest collection of birch and fern plants from around the world. There is also an extensive assortment of cranesbill and daylilies. The old-fashioned, densely flowering, and fragrant roses are a delight for both the eye and the nose. All plants are labeled with their name, variety, and place of origin.
The Path to the Garden
To reach the garden, you can either follow the stream path across the red bridge or start the journey from the parking lot in the allotment gardens and follow a picturesque path along the stream. In the facility, you will find a water station, a toilet that is open during the summer months, and a canoe mooring area.
19.83 km
A zoo for the whole family
Odense ZOO is a zoological garden for the whole family – with lots of experiences for both little ones and adults. When you visit the zoo, you will surely get a nice and educational day filled with different experiences and lots of fun. While the younger ones play, the adults can enjoy a nice meal or a cup of coffee. Afterwards you can continue the tour around the garden which offers adventures for the whole family with many kinds of animals.
Experience the different animals
In Odense ZOO there are many different animals – maybe some you already know and maybe some more exotic ones. In the garden you can experience all kinds of animals like the Siberian tiger, exotic birds and the manatee below the water. When you tour the garden and see all the animals, you will experience a quite unique atmosphere and scenery which is a perfect fit according to which animals you come across – from the tropical South America to the Antarctic cold. You will also see the zebras and giraffes on the savannah and the turtles in The House of Darwin. There are many different animals in Odense ZOO, both the dangerous and wild and the smaller and softer animals.
Up close
There are lots of options when you want to get totally close when seeing the different kinds of animals. In Odense ZOO you can handfeed the big giraffes and during the summer holidays you get to visit the island of the lemurs where you will participate in feeding the perky animals. You can of course also watch as the zookeepers feed and train the animals in the zoo. as you can imagine, there are many opportunities for you to listen, see and learn when you visit the zoological garden with the very special and cozy atmosphere.
Go tree-top-walking
When visiting Odense ZOO, you have got an incredible opportunity to go to Bøgetoppen (top of the beeches). The trip in Bøgetoppen offers a walk in the canopy of the beautiful beech forest. In the canopy there are nine different platforms which are all connected by suspension bridges. Here you will get to experience a trip in a height of six to twelve meters above the ground! A very fun experience for the whole family when you get take the 250 meters long walk in the trees. A walk which offers both a beautiful view and maybe even some challenges. On the trip you will get to test your trivia knowledge in a digital quiz about Danish nature. In the quiz you might get some new information or maybe you get to beat your family in the fun game of who has the most knowledge about animals and insects in the canopy or the forest floor below.
And the best part of it all: Odense ZOO is open all year round – so bring your family and get an experience of a lifetime!