Super Stay at Tambohus Kro & Badehotel

4.65178569629123 of 5 Stars

Includes per person per night:

  • Overnight accommodation
  • Breakfast

More about Tambohus Kro & Badehotel

Tambohus Kro & Badehotel is situated right beside the Limfjord – in a true paradise with peace and tranquillity. Here it has been located for 160 years, and it has continuously been restored and extended – without damaging the cosiness and traditional inn atmosphere. Ideal for cycling, fishing and hiking holidays.

Tambogade 37, 7790 Thyholm
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Hotel facilities

  • Bicycle loan/rental
  • Disabled-friendly
  • Free wifi
  • Pets
  • Free parking
  • Restaurant
  • Wellness
  • Charging station
  • Airport: 60 km
  • Train: 5 km
  • Busstop: 0 m
  • Beach: 0 m
  • Fishing: 0 m
  • Golf: 12 km
  • 29 Rooms

Other stays atTambohus Kro & Badehotel

Attractions nearby of Super Stay

  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    Tambosund - Thyholm

    0.29 km


    Arriving at Tambohuse via Hellerød, one encounters a breathtaking view of Tambosund and Jegindø in the direction of Kåshoved in Salling.

    Today, Tambohuse is a charming place with an inn down at Tambosund, which has been closed by the dam to Jegindø since 1916. Tambohuse arose as a consequence of the penetration of Aggertangen by the sea in 1825, which created the basis of a whole string of small trading places in the western part of the Limfjord. Before that time, a ferryman's house was the only building there.

    Tambohuse, Gravgård, Hindsels and Oddesund were all involved from the start, but gradually the traffic concentrated around Tambosund, where a wharf was built on both sides of the sound a little south of the present dam. With the construction of harbours in Thisted, Struer, Nykøbing and Lemvig, the importance of the small trading places as direct import and export harbours dies away, but on the other hand their importance for the internal fjord trade in grain and tiles increased.
    Read more : Tambosund - Thyholm
  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    Jegindø Church - Thyholm

    1.22 km

    Jegindø Church - Thyholm

    The church of Jegindø is situated beautifully where all the roads of the island meet, and the large white building can be seen from far away across the waters of the Limfjorden. The revival movement of the Home Mission (an evangelical branch of the church of Denmark) was strong at Jegindø, and the old church was soon too small, so in 1919 they built this new spacious church. It cost DKK 65,000 of which DKK 12,000 was collected on the island.

    The eastern part of the old church is kept as chancel and vicar's room. The ashlars tell that here has been a church since the time of King Valdemar. Many names on the tombstones show that most of the original population of fishermen came to the island from Harboøre at the North Sea.

    The white vaulted roof has an overwhelming effect when you step into the church. The altar- piece was made by Hans Snedker in 1598. The painting of Jesus on the cross is from 1880. But the beautiful inscriptions of the Lord's Prayer, the Command of Baptism, and the words of the Holy Communion are from 1750, just as the Latin text: Beati, qvi ad coenam nuptiarum agni vocati sunt (Blessed are those who are invited to the Lamb's wedding meal). The two wings have small paintings from the era of pietism (in England: Evangelicalism). At the top, with an angel's head on either side, appears Jehovah's name in Hebrew letters.

    The pulpit from 1640 has untraditional paintings in the sections, namely from left to right St. John, the evangelist, holding a cup and a book, Christ with the globe, and St. Paul with the sword of the Word. A Latin text: "Anno 1654. Jesus Salvator, salva nos" means: "The year 1654, Jesus Saviour, save us."

    In the wide chancel the vaults are decorated with fairly new frescoes with eight scriptural passages put in.
    The baptismal font from the first period of the church has a small Nürnberg basin from about 1575 with the Fall as a motif.

    In the side wing hangs a beautiful and carefully executed model of the frigate Dannebrog. The figurehead is a little porcelain figure. Furthermore, it is rather unusual that 38 pew gables from 1643 have been preserved. Also the organ loft, which was moved in from the old church, dates from the same era, as Rasmus Snedker from Nykøbing put it up in 1647. The bells are from 1463 and 1947.

    Read more : Jegindø Church - Thyholm
  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    Jegindø - Thyholm

    1.29 km

    Jegindø - a peninsula at Thyholm

    At one time, Jegindø was two small , low-lying islands separated by a stretch of water just south of Jegindø Church. This stretch of water is now a low meadow running across the island to the south of the church.

    Until the causeway to Jegindø was built in 1916, the inkeeper af Tambohus Kro was entitled by royal charter to operate a ferry service across Tambosund.

    There are no hill on Jegindø - the highest point of the island is just 13 m above sea level. This fertile island has been inhabitated for thousands of years, and in many places it is still possible to find the remains of Stone Age settlements.

    The fishing has always been good in the very changeable waters around Jegindø, and the people of the island relied as much on fishing as on agriculture for their livelihood.

    By the harbour, which has been extended to include a marina, stands the little museum "Æ Fywerhus", which displays exhibitions about fishing on Jegindø in years gone by.

    For more information

    You can read more abot the peninsula Jegindø on their homepage: Jegindø

    Read more : Jegindø - Thyholm
  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    Søndbjerg Bakker - Thyholm

    2.28 km

    Søndbjerg Bakker

    Søndbjerg Bakker (Hills) make up a very varied area of countryside with deep clefts, small marshes and lakes surounded by hills covered in heather and woodland. In the heart of the area stands Dødbjerg hill, from the top of which there is a wonderful view over the waters of Kås Bredning to Salling. During the Stone Age, a cove of the Limfjord ran to the west into what is now the town of Søndbjerg. What was a once cove is now marshland and meadows full of flowers and home to a rich variety of bridlife.

    Søndbjerg Stand is one of the best beaches in the Limfjord, almost completely sheltered from the wind. Just behind the beach is a small holiday house area, hidden between the pine trees.
    The low clay dunes between Søndbjerg Strand og Helleris are overgrown with thick scrub, consisting of trees and bushes, which are sheltered from teh wind and thrive in the heavy, moist soil.
    Read more : Søndbjerg Bakker - Thyholm
  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    Beach: Søndbjerg Beach - Thyholm

    2.62 km

    Søndbjerg Beach

    The protected stretch at Søndbjerg beach is a scenic area along the eastern coastline, large slopes with wonderful views, deep gullies and wet meadows.

    From the approximately 15 meter-high hill crest Dødbjerg, there is an impressive view over the surrounding landscape.

    In Stone Age times, an inlet from the sea penetrated north and south of Dødbjerg, were we noew see the mouth of a stream and fens. Here, open water areas intercharge with reed forests. Where the reed swamp is not too dense, a richly varied flora is found with, among others, club moss, cranberry, sundew, marsh gentian, bog myrtle, a species of orchid, and buckbean.
    Read more : Beach: Søndbjerg Beach - Thyholm
  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    The Holy Spring - Thyholm

    2.67 km

    The Holy Spring - Thyholm

    Where the railroad crosses Meldgårdsvej southeast of Hvidbjerg this magnificent Holy Spring is found, from where pure cold spring water constantly wells up from the ground, even in periods of drought.

    In 1976 the well was attractively restored, and visitors were given access by a new path.

    The spring is first mentioned in the year 1360, but already existed when the earliest population of hunters and fishermen arrived in these districts after the retreat of the ice. The spring has held so much water that it was able to drive a complete water mill at Helligkildegård, where the dam may still be seen. People still gathered around the holy spring well around 1880.

    Read more : The Holy Spring - Thyholm
  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    Søndbjerg Church

    2.68 km

    Søndbjerg Church

    In Søndbjerg the church stands in the village with its houses and farms just as it did when it was built 800 years ago. This is what a Romanesque church looks like. Here is nave, chandler, apse, and Søndbjerg church has even had a tower from the beginning. This is proved by the inner tower arch. This may have been meant to emphasize the importance of the place. Søndbjerg was originally #sønder birk" = the southern judicial district, which was the Thingstead, where the court sat.

    The footing stone under the south west corner of the tower is a runic stone whose inscription says: "Jacob caused, Skjalm did, where the altar is, there the eye is". Perhaps the stone was originally under the Communion table. Fairly early a new tower was built, maybe after a fire.

    Over the south door of the church is a semicircular lintel, a so-called tympanum. A cross has been carved in the stone. Above the arms of the cross two birds are trying to come to the cross. Below the arms two lions are running away from the cross. Furious that they are unable to catch the birds, they have to content themselves with biting their own tails. The symbolism is clear: The birds are the souls of human beings, and the lion is Satan, who "walks about like a roaring lion and seeks whom he can swallow".

    On the north wall is a well preserved crucifix from the second half of the 1300s. Also the wooden cross with the symbols of the four evangelists and the inscription "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" are well preserved. The pictures of the apostles from a former organ loft are in the tower room.
    The baptismal font, which seems to have become brittle in a fire, has a newer basin with Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist as a motif.

    In the small chancel there are vaults with remains of frescoes from the time before the Reformation. But the present frescoes were painted after the Reformation. The angels have been ordered to find every musical instrument in Heaven in order to rejoice together with the congregation at Søndbjerg church over "the new day of the Gospel". The altar piece from about 1600 has scenes of the Passion, and in the top section the Resurrection.

    In the tower the bell hangs in a big belfry light to the north so its sound can be heard as far away as in Tambohuse in the north eastern corner of the parish. An old legend tells that a son from Helleris, one farm, seduced the daughter from Østergård, another farm. They ran away together. Chased by the girl's relatives the couple sought shelter in Søndbjerg church. As the Østergård-people could not get in, they set the church on fire. After helping the girl to escape through a window the Helleris son died in the flames. On her way from there the girl gave birth to a son in Kvinddal, a valley. As an adult he revenged his father's death.
    Read more : Søndbjerg Church
  • Photo: Thyholm Egnsmuseum

    Thyholm Egnsmuseum - Thyholm

    2.73 km

    Inside the main building, one can see how a well-off family lived in the last century. Additionally, there is a pharmacy, the old executive office of Hvidbjerg Bank, and the telephone exchange from Uglev. In the attic, visitors can experience the maternity ward of Hvidbjerg Hospital, which operated until around 1972.

    In the farm building, there are exhibitions about crafts, such as lead roofing, shoemaking workshop, carpentry tools, ladies' hairdressing salon, etc. There is a diverse radio/TV exhibition showcasing the development in the field. Several models are already historical.

    Adjacent to this, there is an exciting exhibition from Greenland with artifacts and paintings.

    In 1997, a faithful replica of the old Søndbjerg school was inaugurated, housing a classroom.

    Wilsehaven - inaugurated in 2013 - is a miniature version of J.N. Wilse's baroque garden at the rectory in Spydeberg, Norway. (J.N. Wilse (1736 - 1801) was the son of a pastor from Søndbjerg who went to Norway, where he served as a pastor, professor, and enlightenment figure).

    It can be documented that the "Apothekergården" itself has historical value, as the main building can be traced back to at least 1664.

    The "Apothekergården" was turned into a museum on the initiative of the painter Kresten Rusbjerg, who owned the place until 1990. He lived from the inauguration in 1992 until his death in 2010 in an annex built in connection with the museum.

    Further information:

    Read more : Thyholm Egnsmuseum - Thyholm
  • Photo: Struer Turistbureau

    Garden "Wilsehaven" - Thyholm

    2.73 km

    The baroque-inspired  vicarage garden ’Wilsehaven’ in Søndbjerg, is an oasis created in honor of Jacob Nicolai Wilse (1736-1801), who was born in town and then later in life became a priest and professor in Spydeberg, Norway. The gardens selection of plants is based on his observations at Thyholm in the 17th century. Journeys following Wilse’s steps are starting in the garden. More information is available in the garden or online.

    Free entrance to the garden all year.

    Read more : Garden "Wilsehaven" - Thyholm
  • Photo: Thomas Køser

    Spøttrup Lake

    11.35 km

    During the 19th century, the lake was drained so as to cultivate the land, but in 1994 Spøttrup lake was reestablished. A rich bird life and otters can be observed by the lake.
    Read more : Spøttrup Lake
  • Photo: Thy Turistforening

    Heath area: Boddum Bakker

    11.8 km

    A large heath land, that covers 3 different areas: Brokær and Boddum (which both are heath areas) and then Doverkil (which is moor land).

    South of Dover is Ydby Heath.
    The ancient burial grounds at Ydby heath has a group of 49 burial mounds... which is the largest single collection in Denmark.
    Read more : Heath area: Boddum Bakker