Mini Break - the chef plays in the kitchen at Låsby Kro

4.59523809015278 of 5 Stars

Includes per person per night:

  • 2 course menu (the chef plays in the kitchen)
  • Overnight accommodation
  • Breakfast

More about Låsby Kro

You will find Låsby Inn in the middle of Jutland in the beautiful and hilly nature between Silkeborg and Aarhus. There is a cozy atmosphere and the inn is furnished with all that classifies a typical inn. It's like being in another time wrap.

Hovedgaden 49, 8670 Låsby
Show map

Hotel facilities

  • Bicycle loan/rental
  • Disabled-friendly
  • Free wifi
  • Charging station
  • Free parking
  • Restaurant
  • Non smoking
  • Airport: 66 km
  • Train: 21 km
  • Busstop: 1 km
  • Beach: 8 km
  • Fishing: 13 km
  • Golf: 9 km
  • 37 Rooms

Other stays atLåsby Kro

Attractions nearby of Mini Break - the chef plays in the kitchen

  • Photo: VisitSkanderborg

    Låsby Church

    0.26 km

    Very picturesque, roman natural stone building with ridge turret from around the 18th century.The south door is framed by a beautiful stone portal decorated with small human and animal figures in medallions on the lintels.
    Remarkable roman granite font with double lions and a male head.
    The choir arch holds an ornamental panel with fighting animals. 

    The writer Thor Lange had a close attachment to Låsby Church and made its name well-known through his poetry.

    For further information about the church services go to the church's own website:

    Read more : Låsby Church
  • Photo: Jysk Automobilmuseum

    Jysk Automobilmuseum

    8.94 km

    The primary collection is composed of vehicles from before the Second World War, which thereby make up the main component of the museum and the fundament of the car historical story. However, also many fascinating and well-known postwar vehicles are exhibited at the museum.

    Back in time

    Take a tour back in time and visit Jysk Automobilmuseum, where primarily cars but also motorcycles and a wealth of accessories are exhibited which will interest the car- and motorcycle enthusiast. Furthermore, the exhibit offers fuel pumps, special tools, antique enameled signs and cut up technique. Among the last is a Wankel engine from a NSU Ro80, which is cut up partly and in that way shows how a rotation engine functions.

    Car experience

    At the museum, you can experience several rare cars and follow the development from craft to mass production in the car industry.

    Among the exhibited cars is a Vivinus from 1900, which was one of the first cars in Jutland. Furthermore, the exhibit offers a Hotchkiss, which for a number of years won the famous Monte Carlo races, along with a Maybach, often referred to as the German Rolls-Royce.  Cars such as Volkswagen, Saab and Volvo represent the more recent decades, a time where the car became common property, whereas Porsche, Maserati and Citroen SM represent the dream cars from that time.

    Also, among the motorcycles different interesting classics are exhibited, including the Danish built Nimbus from 1927, known for it’s stovepipes and the Triumph Tiger 110 that represent a motorcycle which for many during the 1950’s was a dream motorcycle.

    Find more information on the museums website right here.

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    Read more : Jysk Automobilmuseum
  • Photo: Per Bille

    The Sky Mountain Himmelbjerget

    9.83 km

    Until the mid-19th century, Himmelbjerget was perceived as the highest point in Denmark. With its 147 meters above sea level, the legendary Himmelbjerg is certainly an impressive giant, and the steep hill down to the beautiful Julsø adds to the mountain romance.

    At the top of Himmelbjerget stands the Himmelbjerg Tower, which is 25 meters high and was erected as a memorial to King Frederik VII, who on June 5, 1849, gave the Danish people their free constitution.

    However, it is not only from the top of Himmelbjerget that you can enjoy a fantastic view. The forests south of the mountain hide several amazing viewpoints and good opportunities to get away from the lively visitor areas.

    Hiking and Walking

    The area around Himmelbjerget has a large and diverse trail system, where you can take shorter walks or combine several routes to create longer ones. You can get a good overview of the marked hiking trails in the Nature Agency's brochure on Himmelbjerget, Sletten, and Slåensø.

    Visit, embark on the 52 km long Himmelbjergrute around the lakes, or be inspired by the many other outdoor activities in the Lake Distirct here.

    The History of Himmelbjerget

    The name Himmelbjerget appears in writing as early as the beginning of the 18th century when a dramatic wolf hunt was held on the mountain. It is, therefore, an old local place name and not a romantic term introduced by the first tourists.

    Himmelbjerget has been a popular destination for generations, and already in the late 1830s, the poet priest St. St. Blicher made the mountain famous as the setting for his folk meetings. Nowadays, people still meet on the mountain to celebrate democracy and the constitution. Landscape painters spread knowledge of the place's beauties through their depictions of hills, forests, and views. Then came beer stalls, pavilions, hotels, ice cream kiosks, and souvenir shops.

    By studying the memorials on Himmelbjerget, you can also gain insight into how the Constitution of the Danish Realm came about – and even get the story in your ear as a podcast. For example, read and hear more about St. St. Blicher's memorial on Himmelbjerget, or read more about Kvinde Egen, which was planted in 1915.

    Nordic Mythology

    According to Norse mythology, Himmelbjerget is the highest mountain in the gods' world, known as Asgard. According to the myth, the god Heimdal lives on Himmelbjerget and guards Asgard at the end of the rainbow Bifrost, to prevent giants from sneaking in.

    Boat Trip with the paddle steamer Hjejlen

    Combine the experience with a trip on one of the Hjejle boats, as has been customary since 1861.

    Since 1861, the Hjejle Company has been sailing tourists to Himmelbjerget. Therefore, souvenir stalls have also existed on the site since the 1800s. At that time, it was an offshoot of the local area's wooden shoe production, where the wooden shoe boys carved small figures and "Himmelbjerg sticks," which were sold to tourists.

    See sailing times and buy tickets here.

    Which mountain is the highest in Denmark?

    With modern measuring instruments, it has been determined that Møllehøj (170.86), Yding Skovhøj (170.77), and Ejer Bavnehøj (170.35) are the highest points in Denmark - and they are all located in the Søhøjlandet region.

    Read more about the 'hills' here.

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    Read more : The Sky Mountain Himmelbjerget
  • Photo: Museet på Gl. Rye Mølle

    The Old Mill Museum at Gl. Rye

    11.29 km

    The mill at Gammel Rye was built in 1872 on a hill at the edge of the village. It was a working mill right up to the mid 1980s. Today the mill is exactly as it was when the miller left it, and when the mill is running, it is possible to see how grain was milled in the old days.

    The Middle Ages

    In the Middle Ages, the town was an important centre for trade and pilgrimage. The town prospered on several annual market days, and from the shrine of saint Severinus (St. Søren). In medieval times, the town had its own jurisdiction and outlaws were executed on the gibbet hill outside the town. A female skeleton from the gibbet hill is on display in the museum.

    Early glass production

    In the late 16th century a national glass production was established in Glarbo (glar means glass). It only lasted a few decades but produced renaissance glass of which some is on display in the exhibition.

    Clogs production (wooden shoes) and Himmelbjerg souvenirs

    A considerable clog industry developed in the Gl. Rye area in the 19th century. In those days, more than 186.000 pairs of clogs were sold per year. In every other house in the village, a clogmaker lived producing several pairs of clogs a day. In the museum's exhibition, you can see the tools of the clogmaker and how clogs were produced.

    The museum also houses a collection of the original wooden Himmelbjerg souvenirs. These local handicraft products from the turn of the 20th century are a by-product of the clog industry.

    German refugee camp

    In 1935, an airfield was established south of Gl. Rye. During the occupation of the Second World War, a German airbase was established at the airfield and after the war, it was rebuilt into a refugee camp for 12.000 German refugees, mainly from East Prussia. The museum houses an exhibition based on the life of the German refugees in the years 1945-48.

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    Read more : The Old Mill Museum at Gl. Rye
  • Photo: Bo Bozz Nørgaard

    Gudenå River

    14.55 km

    The Gudenå River is approximately 160 km long and the closest we in Denmark get to a "real" river. The river originates in Tinnet Krat northwest of Tørring and flows into Randers Fjord at Randers Bridge.

    At Randers, Randers Fjord is forming a river delta with a number of small islands. This delta is one of the few major inland deltas in Denmark, as it was formed at the mouth of Randers Fjord rather than directly into the sea.

    In the past, the Gudenå River was one of Jutland's main routes with settlements and later villages along the river. It was mainly peat and agricultural products and, with the establishment of the paper mill in Silkeborg in 1844, paper that was transported. Today, the Gudenå River attracts many to row on the river annually in either a canoe, kayak or rowing boat.


    For anglers - due to the power of its water volume and depth - the Gudenå River is an challenging angling water and has a very attractive salmon fishery. In Gudenåen you can catch brook trout, sea trout, salmon, eel, pike, sand species and skull.


    The trek path is a nature-tramp path that follows the Gudenåen from Silkeborg to Randers - a total of approx. 70 km. You can experience unique nature in a varied and sometimes difficult to access landscape.


    A canoe trip on the Gudenå is both a scenic and challenging experience. The river is widely used during the summer by canoeists who go on a trip of one or more days duration. Sailing is allowed around the clock and throughout the year. The river is home to more than 80 plant species, of which 44 aquatic species.

    Experience the river Gudenå

    Find more than 500 activities and information to do along the Gudenå.

    Registration of Visiting Boats

    All motor boats used on the the River Gudenå and Lakes of Silkeborg must be registered. This means your boat must have a guest number, which can be purchased here.

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    Read more : Gudenå River
  • Photo: VisitAarhus

    AQUA Aquarium & Wildlife Zoo

    15.72 km

    Inside, AQUA offers underwater experiences with panoramic views across large lakes, and fascinating exhibitions on the wildlife of the Danish lakes and water courses. You can discover ferocious pike through large, panoramic windows and follow the record giant catfish, which can easily swallow a whole duck. See also our otters up close when they catch fish under water.

    AQUA Park

    Outside, you will find the AQUA park, which is home to our beloved beavers, otters, racoons, storks and lots of other animals. There is also a wilderness trail and a large water play area with water canons, sluices, paddling pool and other fun activities. The playground is fun for all ages. The playground consists of several activities in many heights, lock systems, gynger- and cable car, sandbox, etc. One thing is certain - remember changing clothes - you are sure to wet the playground of AQUA Aquarium & Wildlife Park.

    Next to the playground is also large lunch area with barbecue facilities, Café bird table and toilets. Daily programme of activities, including animal feeding.

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    Read more : AQUA Aquarium & Wildlife Zoo
  • Photo: Labyrinthia

    Labyrinthia - Fun, Play and Learning

    15.75 km

    Labyrinthia is closed for the winter, but will open again in Spring 2025.

    Fun, play and learning for everyone

    Today Labyrinthia has 8 different mazes/labyrinths – plus one for DOGS, and a large indoor “Puzzle Center” with many different games and brainteasers. There is something for everyone. You don’t have to queue up, and the pace – that’s up to you.

    Many different mazes and labyrinths

    The Football Race Maze is a competition maze for all football wizards. Have a look and see what it’s all about, and compete with your family or friends to see who is best.

    In the 3D-Maze you can test and challenge your sense of orientation. Download the free Labyrinthia App and scan the 8 QR codes in the 3D-Maze. Then you can download a certificate to your cell phone, so you can prove you've solved it.

    You can also enjoy the sight and the scent of the hundreds of beautiful roses in the water maze (and perhaps become a bit wet!). If you download the free App, you can control the water gates in the water maze from your smartphone.

    In the Dog Maze you can test the sense of orientation and sense of smell of your dog – and there is even a “doggy pub” for the four-legged.

    Indoor-fun and a cosy break

    Inside, in the “Puzzle Center”, you can use your brains solving some of the 50 different games and brainteasers at the tables.

    If you need to renew your energy upon all the challenges, you can buy food and other refreshments in the café. You are also welcome to bring your own packed lunch and enjoy it outside, under the pavilion roof or on the large terrace. There is also two large gas BBQ’s at your free disposal.

    You can learn more about the history of mazes/labyrinths, and also try the two historic labyrinths – the Trojaborg (a Bronze Age pattern) and the Chartres (a Middle Ages pattern). Though they are two so-called “one-way labyrinths”, they have still got some magic.

    Check Opening hours and prices here.

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    Read more : Labyrinthia - Fun, Play and Learning
  • Photo: Jesper Maagaard

    Museum Jorn

    15.75 km

    Jorn was a spontaneously abstract painter, sculptor and author and co-founder of the international avant-garde movements CoBrA and Situationist International.

    Musum Jorn

    The museum houses Denmark's second largest art collection, which, in addition to Jorn's own works, also includes prominent works by other important Danish and international artists of the 20th century - a total of over 30,000 objects by over 600 artists, including Per Kirkeby, Francis Picabia, Lucio Fontana, Pablo Picasso, Jean Arp, Max Ernst, Jean Dubuffet, Pierre Alechinsky, Georg Baselitz, Andreas Slominski and Erwin Wurm.

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    Read more : Museum Jorn
  • Photo: Museum Silkeborg

    The Paper Museum in Museum Silkeborg

    15.96 km

    Handmade paper

    The Paper Museum is a living museum where handmade paper is still being produced, and the audience can experience the magic of paper being made.

    The museum also contains an exhibition on Danish paper making through the ages and on Silkeborg Paper Factory as well as changing exhibitions related to paper production.

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    Read more : The Paper Museum in Museum Silkeborg
  • Photo: Hjejleselskabet

    The paddle steamer Hjejlen

    16 km

    Memories in sight

    Hjejlen is the world’s oldest original coal-fired paddle steamer still in operation. Daily throughout the summer, Hjejlen and the other excursion boats in the Hjejle fleet sail from Silkeborg to Himmelbjerget and on to the small station town of Laven. 

    The trip from Silkeborg to Himmelbjerget takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. Finally, you have the opportunity to experience the scenic Silkeborg lakes on an evening trip on board Hjejlen or one of the other boats.

    View timetable on Hjejlen’s website here.

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    Read more : The paddle steamer Hjejlen
  • Photo: Silkeborg Bunkermuseum

    Silkeborg Bunker Museum

    17.91 km

    The Bunker in Silkeborg

    The bunker is one of around 12 large concrete bunkers, which, together with 30 smaller bunkers, were the German military headquarters in Denmark from 5 November 1943 to 6 June 1945.

    After the occupation, many German refugees were housed in the area, and their story is also told in the exhibition. 

    The exhibition includes a large collection of weapons and other effects from that time. There are uniforms and items of equipment, and much more besides.

    There are posters with maps, documents and photos from the area during and after the occupation.

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    Read more : Silkeborg Bunker Museum
  • Photo: VisitAarhus

    Marselisborg Palace

    24.38 km

    Unique location with beautiful nature and views of Aarhus Bay

    Marselisborg Castle offers a unique location with unobstructed views of both sea and forest. The castle is secluded from its surroundings, surrounded by a charming English-style castle garden. The garden features small lakes, a rose garden, an herb garden and an impressive collection of artworks, including sculptures by His Royal Highness Prince Henrik. The Palace Garden at Marselisborg Castle is open to the public all year round, except when the royal family is staying at the castle.

    Architecture with exquisite character

    Marselisborg Castle was designed by the royal building inspector, Hack Kampman. The castle opens to the west with an impressive entrance and two miniature towers that also adorn the Customs House in the centre of Aarhus. The building is decorated with maritime motifs, including seagulls in the window carvings and beautifully carved seashells in the front door, accompanied by a fish above the door.

    Castle garden and rose garden

    The beautifully planted Palace Garden, which also includes a stunning rose garden, is open for visits when the royal family is not staying at Marselisborg Castle.

    Visit the garden when the royal family is not at the castle

    When the royal family is not at the castle, you can enjoy a stroll through the breathtaking gardens and parks. Experience Marselisborg Castle's scenic areas and peaceful atmosphere when the gardens are open to the public.

    However, we are not always updated on when the royal family is in Aarhus. The family uses Marselisborg Castle both for official visits and to enjoy holidays in the beautiful surroundings.

    The garden is open:

    April 1st - September 30th: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    October 1st - March 31st: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    You can see the Royal Family's calendar here and keep track of when they visit Aarhus.

    Please note that the garden is closed approximately one week before and one week after the visit.

    Changing of the guard

    When the royal family is at Marselisborg Palace, there is a change of guard with the Royal Life Guard every day at 12.00.

    Read more here.

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    Read more : Marselisborg Palace