Standard Rate at Hotel Phønix Hjørring

Green Key_V3

Green Key approved

4.1538461498343 of 5 Stars

Includes per person per night:

  • Overnight accommodation
  • Breakfast buffet

More about Hotel Phønix Hjørring

Since 1885 Hotel Phønix is situated in the centre of Hjørring. The ambition of the owner and the hotel staff is to combine proud historical traditions with the demands and wishes of the present time and of the future and to create a hotel, which gives the customers the optimal experience. Only breakfast.

Jernbanegade 6, 9800 Hjørring
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Hotel facilities

  • Green Key_V3 Green Key
  • Free wifi
  • Pets
  • Charging station
  • Free parking
  • Airport: 40 km
  • Train: 100 m
  • Busstop: 50 m
  • Beach: 7 km
  • Fishing: 1 km
  • Golf: 5 km
  • 68 Rooms

Other stays atHotel Phønix Hjørring

Attractions nearby of Standard Rate

  • Photo: Niels Fabæk

    Vendsyssel Museum of Art

    0.22 km

    Landscape painting and artist portraits form the mainstay of the collection, which includes painters such as Johannes Hofmeister (1914-1990), Svend Engelund (1908-2007), Agnete Bjerre (1924-2020), Poul Anker Bech (1942-2009) and more.

    In addition to painting, the museum's collections include sculpture, graphics and handicrafts. Erland Knudssøn Madsen (b. 1942) and Kurt Tegtmeier (b. 1950) stand out strongly among the sculptors in the collection.

    In North Jutland, we have a handful of prominent artisans, and the museum has a distinguished collection of their works, which include textile artists Berit Hjelholt (1920-2016) and Jenny Hansen (b. 1951) and ceramicist Tove Anderberg (1942-2021).

    Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum presents 3-4 special exhibitions annually. The museum's own collections are always on display in changing suspensions.

    Architecture and design
    Since 2003, Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum has been housed in the former Bechs Klædefabrik in the middle of Hjørring town. The building has been transformed into a modern and beautiful art museum by the architectural firm C.F. Mills.

    The museum is decorated with furniture by the internationally renowned furniture architect Poul Kjærholm, who was born and raised in Vendsyssel.

    In 2009, Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum was expanded with a Knowledge Center for the painter Niels Larsen Stevns (1864-1941), which houses changing exhibitions of his works.

    Activities for children and young people
    At Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, we offer a wide range of activities for children and young people - both in and outside the school context. Keep an eye on current offers in our calendar here on the website, or ask for dissemination material in the information.

    In the museum's creative workshop on the 1st floor, ongoing workshops are held related to current special exhibitions or with a focus on selected artists, periods and forms of expression. In addition, there are crayons, felt-tip pens and paper, which can be used freely by all museum-loving museum guests.

    Read more : Vendsyssel Museum of Art
  • Photo: Turismeudvikling Hjørring

    Vendsyssel Historiske Museum

    0.28 km

    The best archaeology and contemporary history. See objects that date back 13,000 years to the present day, e.g. the only skull from an executed man, Thomas Bisp, on display at a Danish museum.  See the 3200 m2 gardens where you can have a picnic and the most attractive buildings in Hjørring. You can buy coffee, tea and cakes in the café.

    Read more : Vendsyssel Historiske Museum
  • Photo: Turismeudvikling Hjørring

    The Middle Age churches in Hjørring

    0.4 km

    You find the oldest part of Hjørring around the churches Sct. Catharinæ, Sct. Hans and Sct. Olai. It is quite unusual that three churches are placed in such a small area.  At the same time the area is gentle and characterful renovated and maintained which makes a walk in the old part of Hjørring to a special experience. 

    Read more : The Middle Age churches in Hjørring
  • Photo: Turismeudvikling Hjørring

    Hjørring Bjerge (hilltop) - Hjørring

    1.25 km

    The northern part of a moraine island, which Hjørring is situated on includes an area 24 hectares which have been preserved since 1962. Since 1995 they have tried to re-established the heather covered moorland area with help from natural renovation, that is clearing undergrowth  and with sheepgrazing.

    Therefore no dogs are allowed in the sheep enclosure.

    This was also the place where the town's gallows was erected and which were last used in 1822 where Thomas Thomsen "Bisp"
    was decapitated as a punishment for murder.

    Read more : Hjørring Bjerge (hilltop) - Hjørring
  • Photo: Turismeudvikling Hjørring

    Dyreparken NBV, Hjørring (Mini Zoo)

    2.18 km

    Here you are able to experience many exciting animals and talk with the staff about life as a zoo keeper. 

    You will different animals such as: snakes, different birds and marmosets. In the park you will find benches and tables where you can enjoyed a packed lunch. There is also a lunchroom if the weather is not suitable for outside dinning.

    Read more : Dyreparken NBV, Hjørring (Mini Zoo)
  • Photo: Aage Møller

    Bagterp Plantation - Hjørring

    2.43 km

    Bagterp plantation is located in the outskirts of Hjørring and has a very diverse nature with sandbanks and slopes. The plantation has deciduous forest and coniferous forest. The plantation was planted in the beginning of the 1900s in  order to stop the sand drifting. The inland dunes are very characteristic for the area. In the plantage you can find traces of the trenches from the German occupation in WW2. You can also find a long and wide glade, which is all that remains after the railway tracks from Hjørring to Hørby. The track was in function from 1913-1953.  

    It is also possible to try your skills at Mountain biking! In the plantation you will find a fun track with countless bends. The route doesn’t boast many vertical metres, but goes up and down all the time, and if you pick up the pace, the route presents a challenge for most riders

    Pick up your copy of the MTB folder at Hjørring Bibliotek


    Read more : Bagterp Plantation - Hjørring
  • Photo: Aage Møller

    Forstbotanisk Naturpark - Hjørring

    2.98 km

    The 13-hectare landscaped gardens that were laid out in 1987 containing more than 160 species of deciduous trees, coniferous  trees, shrubs and bushes. The nature park is owned by Hjørring council and includes nature facilities for local schools and a dog-training facility. Please remember to have your dog in a leash. The park has a very divers landscape with open woodland and groves, there is also an area of the park where you can experience different Danish tree types and a geographical division of trees from around the world.


    Read more : Forstbotanisk Naturpark - Hjørring
  • Photo: Niels Clemmensen

    Tornby Kirke (Church)

    7.93 km

    A runic inscription in the choir gives a possible dating to about 1200. The Romanesque part of the church consists of nave, chancel and apse. The tower was probably built in the 1500s.

    To the left of the altarpiece are runic inscription, is today protected behind a thick glass plate as it is scratched into the original lime plaster. It was found at the church's restoration in 1908 and is dated to 1175-1225. Besides the runes there are also others signs and symbols: crosses, circles and stars that are scratched into the wet plaster with a pinch.

    Read more : Tornby Kirke (Church)
  • Photo: Hirtshals Turistbureau/Feriehusudlejning

    Tornby Klitplantage (Dune Plantation)

    9.26 km

    Tornby Klitplantage (dune plantation) (548 hectares) is situated above the west coast, a few kilometers south of Hirtshals. The dune plantation in Tornby was first realized in the years 1910-1930.

    Its boundary to the sea follows a 15 - 25 meter high, former coastal slope divided by streams. Below the slope is raised Stone Age seabed with large sea dunes – an exceptionally lovely piece of west coast scenery.

    The plantation has a distinctive and vigorous flora.

    Map of the routes in Tornby Klitplantage.

    Read more : Tornby Klitplantage (Dune Plantation)
  • Photo: Lønstrup Turistbureau

    Rubjerg Knude

    12.71 km

    Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse Moves

    Rubjerg Knude Fyr is one of North Jutland's major tourist attractions. Right on the edge of the impressive Rubjerg Knude sand dune stands the lighthouse. From the top of the lighthouse you will find one of the most impressive views of the North Sea and Vendsyssel. But the Lighthouse is close to falling into the sea. The untamed nature and autumn storms eat the cliff which the lighthouse is standing on and the lighthouse has gradually moved dangerously close to the edge (2019).

    In 2019 is was decided to try to move the lighthouse. The project was given to a local builder, Murer Kjeld. In August 2019, preparations began for what would turn out to be a huge and quite unique event. For eight weeks, builder Kjeld and his team prepared for the move. They dug and moved tons of sand. They dug out the foundation of the lighthouse and reinforced it with several tons of iron and concrete. They moved sand away from the dunes in order to put rails down where the lighthouse would roll inlands.

    We followed in the work weekly, which in addition to a fantastic view, also offered really harsh days with sandstorms. Despite harsh working conditions, builder Kjeld and his team worked every day with excavation and reinforcement, and it turned out to be of great interest from locals, tourists and the press. Every day many curious spectators followed the work, eagerly waiting for a date to be announced when the move was to take place. Finally, the date was announced, Tuesday, October 22.

    On Tuesday, October 22, people gathered at Rubjerg Knude to attend this unique event. Over 20,000 showed up to watch the nearly 30-meter-high lighthouse roll on rails, 70 meters further inland. It was a WILD day! And with thousands of eyes on the lighthouse, it quietly and as planned rolled into Rubjerg Knude. The builder Kjeld and his team succeeded in moving Rubjerg Knude Fyr, which now has maybe 30 more years to live.

    On Saturday, November 16, the lighthouse again gathered almost 8,000 people who came to celebrate the relocation. Here more than 300 choir singers, candles, dancers, and talks contributed to making this afternoon very special. We celebrated that Rubjerg Knude Fyr now is at a safe distance from the untamed North Sea and can provide locals and tourists with fabulous nature experiences for many years to come.

    A big THANK YOU to builder Kjeld for daring to embark on this wild project and succeed!

    Best regards, Lønstrup Turistforening.

    Facebook / visitloenstrup / rubjergknudefyrflytter


    More information:

    Rubjerg Knude

    Close by Lønstrup you will find the massiv and impressive Rubjerg Knude. It is located 90 meters above sea level and it is still growing in size. It is a very beautiful nature scenery where the ocean and sand is a very dramatic evidence too the fact that land is being eaten by the sea and several meters disappears every year.   

    The lighthouse at Rubjerg Knude

    The light in Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse was first turned on on 27th of December 1900. The lighthouse was built on the cliff's highest point 60 m above the sea and the lighthouse itself is 23 m high. In the beginning the lighthouse was equipped with its own gasworks for illumination and the operation of the foghorn. In 1906 the gas was replaced by petroleum and in 1934, by electricity. In the beginning the lighthouse was manned by the lighthouse keeper, an assistant light keeper and a light tender.

    When the lighthouse was built it was more than 200m inland and there were no large dunes around it. Over time the sea moved in closer and simultaneously the wind blew large amounts of sand up from the cliff. In the end the sand was so high that it was sometimes impossible to see the lighthouse from the sea. On August 1st 1968 the fight was given up and the light was lit for the last time. In 1980 a museum was opened, but unfortunately it was closed in 2002 due to coastel erosion and was moved to Strandfogedgården 3 km from the light house.

    The light house was reopened in the spring of 2016 and a staircase was added, so you can see the spectacular view from the top. The lighthouse will within the next 10-15 year fall into the sea because of coastel erosion.

    Free admission and open day and night.



    Read more : Rubjerg Knude
  • Photo: VisitNordvestkysten, Hirtshals

    The North Sea Oceanarium

    14.18 km

    6 million liters of water… and much more…

    A visit to Northern Europe's largest aquarium takes you on an exciting adventure underwater. Our 10,000 square meters indoor, 5,000 square meters outdoor, 70 tanks and more than 6,500 fish and other marine animals, offers the opportunity to spend a full day “at sea” and even “under water“. Explore the 7 destinations, dive to the bottom of the sea, go on adventure in the shipwreck or catch crabs with your bare hands. Pad a star fish on its back, face the cute seals and search for the gold of the North Sea. There are many fun experiences and activities indoor and outdoor.

    Finally, the sunfish are back in Northern Europe's largest aquarium! Meet the very special fish and watch them being fed in the 4.5 million liter Oceanarium.

    Feeding in Oceanarium at 1 pm.

    The giants of the sea and cute predators

    In “Hvalforskerhytten” (the cottage of the whale researchers) is it possible to explore the interesting life of the whale researchers. Experience the large skeleton from the fin whale from Blokhus in specific periods.
    Meet the seal, the largest predator in Denmark, up close in the large outdoor habitat. And get even closer to them in the 12 metes long underwater tunnel.

    Seal feeding at 11 am and 3 pm.

    The hunters of the North Sea

    BIG OCEAN WINDOW - Go exploring in the food chain of the North Sea, where you can encounter everything from the smallest plankton to the largest predators. The window is the largest interactive screen in Scandinavia, where large whales, shoals of fish and dangerous sharks lives close to each other. Experience the new involving seal exhibition where you can get close to the largest predator of Denmark.

    3 unique aquariums

    The new exhibition contains three aquariums where you can see jelly fish, shoals of fish and predators up close. This unique exhibition can be enjoyed on two floors providing a very special experience.

    Taste the North Sea

    At our lovely restaurant we serve tasty and simple fish dishes. The dishes vary from season to season – It is freshly caught, healthy and sustainable. You can also bring your own lunch when you visit the North Sea Oceanarium.

    The shop “Pakhuset” has a wide selection of souvenirs, gift articles, books and much more. Stop by and feel free to shop around for something special.

    For kids

    With an expedition pass with fun tasks at hand the kids can explore every inch of the exhibition. The expedition consists of 7 different destinations in the North Sea, and there’s a stamp at each site. When the kids have found the 7 stamps, they receive a diploma and a sticker. Why not also try the “Movie Maker” virtual app which enables you to make your own expedition film?

    See opening hours

    Buy your discount ticket at the tourist information in Hirtshals and skip the line. 

    No sunfish in the Oceanarium at the moment

    We don’t have a sunfish in the Oceanarium at the moment. Our latest sunfish had bad kidneys and died in January.

    Through the years we have successfully had sunfish in the Oceanarium most of the time, but we have had times without sunfish before, when we haven’t been able to get any new specimens.

    The explanation is that we either get the sunfish from Danish waters – mostly during autumn – or alternatively get them small from Southern Europe.

    As soon as our vendor from Southern Europe can deliver new sunfish, we will get them flown into their new home. When that will be exactly, depends on the possibilities of finding them in the open seas of Southern Europe.

    Read more : The North Sea Oceanarium
  • Photo: Hirtshals Turistbureau/Feriehusudlejning

    Hirtshals Fyr (Lighthouse)

    14.21 km

    Hirtshals' lighthouse on top of Stenbjerg is the town's beautiful landmark. The lighthouse was opened in 1863 and was constructed in King Frederik VII's time. The king's monogram adorns the tower just above the entrance door. The lighthouse is 35 meter high and has a focal height of 57 meters, meaning the lens is 57 meter above sea. The lighthouse is situated on a cliff 22 meters above sea. Take the 144 steps up the tower and enjoy the stunning views over the Skagerrak and Vendsyssel.

    The light can be seen 25 nautical miles from land
    At the top the lamp is 400 watt and the first lens amplifies the light to 100.000 light. The outer rotating lenses the light is amplified to 1 1/4 lights. In cloudless weather the light can be seeb 25 nauticak miles from land.

    Six hours to clean the lenses
    The lenses are hand-cut, and it takes around six hours to polish them.

    The malicious spirit
    The first keeper had a short career. Just 19 days after the opening he hung himself from the top. The locals blamed "Peter the Horrible", and believed he wanted the lighthouse turned off. According to the local "Peter the Horrible" was a sort of human bird of prey living on the cliff and living on strandings - to the great great irritation of the area's fishermen.

    Coffee Station
    The cozy coffee station with homemade cakes is open during the summer, and during the different exhibitions of the lighthouse.

    In the machinery there is an exhibition of the effect of old time at the lighthouse. In the lunch room there is also an exhibition of the stones around Hirtshals Klint.

    Opening hours

    The lighthouse is open all days of the year 10 p.m. to sunset.

    Read more : Hirtshals Fyr (Lighthouse)