Standard Rate at Bov Kro

4.642857 of 5 Stars

Includes per person per night:

  • Overnight accommodation
  • Breakfast buffet

More about Bov Kro

Bov Kro was granted a royal privilege as early as 1566. Today the inn is an excellent combination of historical atmosphere and modern comfort, and all rooms have been renovated in 2013. The restaurant of the inn offers both fine traditional and new Nordic gastronomic experiences.

Hærvejen 25, 6330 Padborg
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Hotel facilities

  • Free wifi
  • Pets
  • Restaurant
  • Airport: 121 km
  • Train: 3 km
  • Busstop: 3 km
  • 17 Rooms

Other stays atBov Kro

Attractions nearby of Standard Rate

  • Photo: Aabenraa Tourist


    0.35 km

    The Lyreskoven forest is located along the two roads Tøndervej and Omfartsvejen. Parking is possible coming from Tøndervej and there are also entrances coming from Smedeby, Omfartsvejen and Hærvejen. Take the dog for a walk, since part of the yellow route is in fact a designated dog forest. Both the Blue and Yellow route is suitable for the walking and the jogging type.

    What you will find on your way along Lyreskovstien
    On the route, you will find two fire places to be used freely and a hill commonly used for sledding during the winter or for exercise during the summer. There are also two lakes with shallow waters, which gives a clear view to study animal life in the water. In the forest Byskoven, there is a one-person bunker from the Second World War. The Historical Hærvejen makes its way through the area and is a part of Lyreskovstien.

    Project Purpose of Lyreskovstien
    The project aims to create an outdoor exercise and recreation area for all residents in the vicinity as well as Families with children, young people, elderly people, students and teachers from The Lyreskov School, Hærvej hikers and tourists. Tables, benches and exercise equipment will be built in natural materials along the Lyreskov Path.

    Lyreskovstien as a route for excercising
    The goal of Lyreskovstien as a route for exercising is to offer an outdoor gym as an alternative to the traditional gym experience. The tools must besides being fun to use, also be challenging and provide an opportunity to exercise everything from muscles to balance, rotation, coordination, agility, flexibility and endurance.
    In The Lyreskov School, an outdoor exercise area with metal fitness equipment will be built to be freely available and will provide the opportunity to exercise at any time of the day without a gym membership.

    Lyreskovstien as an excursion spot
    Lyreskovstien should be a place with nice excursions for families with children, joggers, dog walkers and everyone who loves the natural environment’s beautiful scenery.

    Read more : Lyreskovstien
  • Photo: Aabenraa Tourist

    The Home Guard Museum

    2.44 km

    The self-governing institution "Hjemmeværnsmuseet" was established in 1988 in the historic Frøslev Camp and is a nationwide cultural-historical museum that houses the historical exhibition of the Home Guard.

    The main idea behind the historical exhibition of the Home Guard is to describe the development of the Home Guard in relation to events in the surrounding world.

    The exhibition is divided into four eras as follows: the first era is the 1940s with the establishment of the Home Guard, the second era is the 1950s with prosperity and progress, the third era covers the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s with the Cold War, and the fourth era encompasses the 1990s and the future.

    Spatially, the exhibition is divided accordingly, and in a small separate room called a "time machine," visitors will be introduced to the respective period through a description of characteristic and typical events and objects, including audio-visual means.

    Since 1989, the Brigade Collection has been housed in the Hjemmeværnsmuseet and is an exhibition about the Danish Brigade DANFORCE, which was established and trained in Sweden from 1943 to 1945. The brigade, which reached about 5,000 volunteers, including 300 women, consisted mainly of Danish military personnel who were ordered or fled to Sweden, as well as resistance fighters and Jews who had to escape from Denmark. The brigade returned to Denmark on May 5, 1945, and subsequently carried out a wide range of guard duties, including at the Danish-German border.

    Ongoing special exhibitions are held, shedding light on different periods or aspects of the Home Guard's existence. Lectures and guided tours of 1-2 hours can be arranged based on the nature of the visit. The content can be tailored to the participants' age, mobility, and developmental stage, covering Danish security and defense policy with an emphasis on the voluntary defense. The tour can be combined with visits to other military-historically significant attractions in Schleswig/Southern Jutland.

    Read more : The Home Guard Museum
  • Photo: Aabenraa Tourist

    The Frøslev Camp Museum

    2.44 km

    The Frøslev Camp Museum illustrates the history of the Frøslev Camp during World War II.

    In 1944-45 the Frøslev Camp housed the prisoners of the German Security Police in Denmark, primarily members of the Resistance. The camp was built in order to avoid deportations of Danes to concentration camps in Germany, even so some 1.600 Frøslev prisoners of a total of 8.000 internees were deported to Germany.

    The Museum, which is owned by the Danish National Museum, is situated in the main watchtower and two former prisoners` huts. The exhibition shows everyday life of the camp as well as the conditions in those concentration camps in Germany, where Frøslev prisoners were deported to. The Frøslev Camp is one of the most intact German camps in Europe, and is a Danish national monument.

    Read more : The Frøslev Camp Museum
  • Photo: Aabenraa Tourist

    Frøslev Plantage

    2.71 km

    Frøslev Forest which are 1045 hectares, planted onwasteland and shifting sand.
    Read more : Frøslev Plantage
  • The Gendarme Path

    2.76 km

    The path was made after Southern Jutland was returned to Denmark in 1920 and the route was used by the border gendarms on patrol.

    Read more : The Gendarme Path
  • Photo: VisitSønderborg

    Glücksburg Castle - Germany

    11.54 km

    In 1580, Duke Hans the Younger inherited large landed properties and the former Ryd Abbey from his uncle Hans the Older, however he is in need of a befitting accommodation on this side of the inlet Flensborg Fjord.

    Hans the Younger gets the rest of the abbey removed and during the years 1583 - 87, a summer castle is built on the site, reusing some of the precious building materials from the abbey.

    October 9 1622 Duke Hans the Younger dies during a stay at Glücksburg Castle. Another death at the castle within a noble house is Frederik the Seventh, who passes in the age of 55 on November 15 1863 - a few month later the War 1864 brakes out.

    The beautiful white castle is a 3 storeyed square building with a tower in each corner. The castle is surrounded by an artificial lake. The large halls have vaulted ceilings and the castle is fitted with some of the most modern facilities at the time - garderobes. The garderobes are small outside bays with a toilet, discarding in the moat - where they also kept their fish!

    The castle chapel is situated in one of the wings and was only used by the ducal family and their court. Later the chapel was used as a city church and today it is possible to get married in the chapel by appointment with the museum at Glücksburg Castle.

    For more information and history - visit the website of the castle museum.

    Glücksburg Castle
    Großestr. 1
    24960 Glücksburg

    Read more : Glücksburg Castle - Germany
  • Photo: James Cripps

    Graasten Palace

    17.35 km

    The very first palace in Graasten was a hunting and leisure palace built in the midst of the 16th century. After it burned down in 1603, a new palace was built, probably where the current palace´s south wing is now.

    Shortly before 1700 the Chancellor Frederik Ahlefeldt built an impressive Baroque palace, which itself unfortunately burned down in 1757, only leaving the palace church. The current Graasten Palace, or rather the south wing, thus originates from 1759. In 1842 the main building was added.

    In 1935 the right of use of the palace was given to the late King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid. Queen Ingrid was very interested in flowers and stood for the planning of the garden at Graasten Palace until her death in 2000. The interest in flowers and the garden was continued by her daughter H.R.H. Queen Margrethe II.

    There is no public access to the buildings and rooms of the palace, except from the palace church, who has special opening hours.

    The abdication in 2024

    During the New Year's speech in 2023, HM Queen Margrethe II announced her abdication and on 14 January 2024, Denmark got a new king and queen in the form of King Frederik X and Queen Mary.

    Summer residence

    When the royal family is in residence at Graasten Palace, the area is closed to the public and there is no access to Graasten Palace Gardens and Church; However, the Palace Church is still open in connection with the summer evening song etc.


    Graasten Palace Garden & Palace Church will be closed from 1 July - in connection with preparations for the royal family's summer recidence. However, the Palace Church will be open for church services and evening community singing.

    The Palace Garden is open again on Monday 19 August from 11 am. The Palace Church will remain closed until 24 August.

    On 9 July 4 pm, there will be an official reception of HM King Frederik X and HM Queen Mary at Torvet in Gråsten by Mayor Erik Lauritzen. Weather permitting, after the official reception, the Royal Couple will walk from Torvet via Slotsgade to Gråsten Castle. The royal couple will depart on Saturday 20 July and then H.M. Queen Margrethe II will be in summer residence.

    Guard replacement
    Once the palace is inhabited, a royal split flag goes to the top of the pole on the palace's bell tower and the Royal Life Guard sets up to guard. Every day there is a shift change of the Royal Life Guard. The guard starts from Det Gule Palæ, Ahlefeldtvej 5, where the new guard’s line up. Accompagniet by two tambours they march at 11.43 a.m. through Gråsten via Borggade, Torvet and Slotsgade to the palace, where the shift will take place at the guard house at 12.00. When King Frederik the X is in recidence, the march on Fridays is accompanied by the Royal Life Guards Tambour Corps and the changing of the guard takes place in the palace courtyard.

    Fridays concerts
    Will be held in the palace courtyard in connection with the changing of the guard during the royal couple's stay at the palace. The first time will be on Friday 12 July 2024. The last Friday concert is on 19 July.

    Read more : Graasten Palace
  • Photo: Museum Sønderjylland

    Museum Sønderjylland - Cultural History Aabenraa

    22.92 km

    Set sail at Cultural History Aabenraa. The museum reflects the proud maritime tradition that characterized Aabenraa in the age of sail, which later became an important element of the city's identity. Here you can experience one of the largest Danish collections of ship portraits, which used to hang in captains' homes.

    Opening hours:

    22nd of March until October 31st.

    Only from Thursday until Sunday. 

    Read more : Museum Sønderjylland - Cultural History Aabenraa
  • Photo: Sønderborg Kommune

    Dybbøl Mill - the museum

    26.08 km

    Dybbøl Mill is one of Denmark's most important national symbols. During the war of 1864, it became the symbol of the bravery of the Danish soldiers on the battlefield, and in the period 1864-1920 the symbol of the struggle of the Danish-minded southern Jutlanders under German rule. At the same time, it was a completely ordinary mill, which was run until 1990.

    Today, the mill is a museum. On the ground floor of the grain magazine, there is an exhibition about the history of the mill 1744-2020. Here you can learn more about the influence of the two Schleswig Wars on the mill and about the family who lived there at the time. On the magazine loft, you will find an exhibition about Dybbøl as a symbol and about the many national celebrations - both Danish and German - that have taken place at Dybbøl Banke.

    In the mill tower, you can see the old grinders and the big spur wheel. Afterwards you can go out on to the gallery and enjoy the beautiful view of Dybbøl Banke, Sønderborg and Vemmingbund.

    Did you know that...

    Dybbøl Mill is one of Sønderborg’s Top Attractions? If you have a combi-ticket for Sønderborg’s Top Attractions, you’ll be able to visit each of the five attractions – Universe Science Park, History Centre Dybbøl Banke, Sønderborg Castle, the iconic windmill at Dybbøl Mølle and Cathrinesminde Brickworks  – once during the course of the season. The combi-ticket costs DKK 449,- for adults and DKK 289,- for children between the ages of 5 and 15. The ticket is valid from the day you buy it until 20 October 2024 – so you’ve got plenty of time to visit all five attractions. The combi-ticket can be bought online at

    NB. Dybbøl Mill is closed for the winter in the period 1 November up to and including the Friday before Easter.

    Read more : Dybbøl Mill - the museum
  • Photo: VisitSønderborg

    Sønderborg Castle

    27.65 km

    The castle was founded before 1200 and was from 1550-70 rebuilt into a four wing Renaissance castle.
    The museum tells about the history of North Slesvig from the Middle Ages to the present with the main focus on the wars of 1848-50, 1864, 1914-18, the plebiscite and the reunification of North Slesvig with Denmark in 1920.
    Large culture-historical collections with furniture, textiles, crafts and art from North Slesvig.

    Openinghours: See "The Museum on Sønderborg Castle"

    Read more : Sønderborg Castle
  • Photo: VisitSønderborg

    Tilting-at-the-Ring Museum

    28.03 km

    Lean about the history og Tilting-the-Ring, see the president lances, the saddles and the reins, the beautiful trophies, the Lances of honour and the painting "Tilting Parade" by Fritz Carstensen.

    Visit the Medal Corridor, the Protocol Room and the Document Room, where you can see different medals and ribbons and see who have won the titles of king, Crown Prince and Prince throughout the years. 

    The museum is open 2 days of the week from June to and incl. August as well as Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the weekend of the Tilting-at-the-Ring festival in Sønderborg City.

    Groups all year after appointment with Hans Struck tel. +4574427575.

    Read more : Tilting-at-the-Ring Museum
  • Photo: VisitSønderborg

    Memorial Stone WW1

    28.12 km

    The memorial stone on Kirketorvet was sketched by the architect Thomas Havning (1891-1976) and erected in 1923.

    There are 192 names, German as well as Danish, all fallen in 1. WW (1914-18). Notice the top of stone which is similar to a sarcophagus.

    Each year at the time of conclusion of peace – the 11. November at 11 am – wreaths are placed at the memorial stone.

    Read more : Memorial Stone WW1